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We provide a great website for you to find everything that you are looking for in SWFL and Lehigh Acres.


Find Information

Especially useful for local families. Catch up on local news, upcoming events, business updates, read engaging articles and more!


Find Local Businesses

Buy local! Our site has local businesses that you can connect with to buy the goods and services that you need.


Find Local Events

As Lehigh Acres grows, we highlight family events, festivals and nightlife. Regionally we will highlight major events in Lee County. You will always be able to see what is happening this weekend. Plan your weekend/holiday adventures.



We will publish articles that may interest you and help to keep you informed both locally and nationally.


Discover Maestro creates cutting edge tech, vibrant and engaging directory sites for cities, counties, military bases and organizations. This is not just another website.

See: (community) (county) (org) (military bases)


This is more than a website. We are a digital marketing automation, tech giant which we infuse into our websites to generate traffic and send them to local participating businesses.  We compliment Chamber of Commerces and Travel Bureaus that have not evolved with technology which allows greater prosperity for everyone. Most with other memberships are left to wonder, "Is this it?" You don't wonder with us.

Measure Success.

Every participating business gets a dashboard that allows them to track their digital presence and measure any digital marketing efforts. Although a business listing on our site can serve as a website, if a member would like a word press website, we provide basic sites for free.
A website is a crucial step from our site to your business.


Opportunity & Challenges

"In 1950, 1.85 million people lived in the city of Detroit, while in Lee County, just 23,000 people lived here. Now, more than 70 years later, Detroit’s population has shrunk to just 620,000 people, and Lee County is home to more than 820,000 residents." - NBC2


Our site builds are partly funded by local businesses who become lifetime members. A lifetime member is given a business directory listing on the site. It can be updated 24/7, with each season or significant event or holidays.

Lifetime members for is only $299*, a one time investment that will not last much longer. This is a long term simple investment in your business. Once we launch the site, the rates will inevitable go up with a monthly fee which can start at $600 per year based on the amount of website traffic and audience that we build.

Whether you sign up or not, you pay either way. There is an investment to join and a loss of business and customers by not joining. We hope you join us.

* We do offer an exclusivity rate for one real estate broker, mortgage, car dealer and insurance.

Normal rates for a site like this are $24,999 with $12,000 annually to maintain the site.

Get Started.

You can sign up and make payment today.  

Once you have made payment, use the calendar link to schedule an on-boarding call. You can also use the link for a meeting to review this offer. We look forward to meeting you.

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