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Do you know Dave?

You might want to. Dave is a serial entrepreneur. He loves collaboration. He knows tons of people across the world- people you want to get connected to. He may buy from you. He buys software and services for his businesses and staff all of the time. Almost every day in fact. He may offer services that will enhance your ability to sell more, close deals and above all, make more money. You do want that, n'est pas? Dave is one of those guys that you should know.

Dave Maestas


If you're in search of a CEO who can lead your business to the digital promised land, look no further than Dave Maestas, the maestro of cutting-edge technologies in the realm of digital marketing. With Dave at the helm, your business will be infused with a potent blend of innovation, strategy, and a dash of his trademark wit. He's like a digital marketing wizard, conjuring up ingenious campaigns that captivate audiences and leave competitors scratching their heads in awe. Dave's expertise in harnessing the power of emerging technologies is unmatched, and he navigates the ever-changing digital landscape with the finesse of a tightrope-walking acrobat. Hiring Dave is like strapping a jetpack to your business's backside, propelling it to new heights and leaving your competitors in the proverbial digital dust. So, if you're ready to embark on an exhilarating digital adventure, trust the mastermind of marketing marvels himself, Dave Maestas, to lead your business into the realm of unparalleled success with his agency, Discover Maestro!

Ranger Dave

Coach - Retired Special Forces & Airborne Ranger - 20 years of service, 4 years in combat. He knows how to build a business under pressure life throws at you.

Meet Ranger Dave, the life, business & sales coach who knows how to unleash the untapped potential within your business and catapult it to soaring heights of success. With his razor-sharp wit and wealth of expertise, Dave will guide your team through uncharted territories of life and sales strategies, armed with a quiver full of innovative techniques. He fearlessly leads from the front, inspiring your life and salesforce to push boundaries and embrace their inner sales rangers. With Ranger Dave as your guide, your business will traverse treacherous terrain, forging new alliances, conquering lucrative markets, and leaving competitors in the dust. Prepare to witness a transformation like never before as Dave equips your team with the skills, mindset, and contagious enthusiasm needed to ascend to the next level of triumph. Get ready to unleash the power of Ranger Dave and watch your business soar to unparalleled heights of success.

We are glad you made it!

Use the form at the bottom of the page.

Prepare to dazzle me with your sales finesse, for I am eagerly poised to savor every word of your persuasive symphony.

Unleash your silver-tongued prowess upon my eager ears, as I revel in the melody of your irresistible sales serenade.

Wrap me in the enchanting embrace of your sales wizardry, and let me bask in the sheer delight of your captivating pitches.

Thank you - Gracias - Grazie - Спасибо - 谢谢 - धन्यवाद - Obrigado(a) - Merci


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How can you verify businesses and those in sales? It all starts here.

After all, if they are unwilling to identify themselves, what are they trying to hide?


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Dynamic Welcome Message

Thanks for stopping by.

Feel free to contact me with questions

Is there more?

We have lots of cool stuff that we can pass on to you. Here is an example. Have you ever been to Mexico? Yes, Puerto Vallarta in Mexico! You can stay for free! That's over $2400 in value and it's at an amazing resort.

There is absolutely NO time share presentations.

This does not include transportation or taxes.

Taxes are generally $28 per night.


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